Screen Shot 2016-02-08 at 5.27.29 PMI keep forgetting it’s not January anymore. The last few weeks have just disappeared. I want to dive into the details on this playlist and share all of the things I think and feel about this great music, but I’d be neglecting about 357 other things on my to-do list, so we’re going to do the abridged version.

This past month had a bit of a strong “Bollywood” influence, keeps the eclectic and random vibe that’s usually there, and hits the Film Score genre pretty hard. I dove deep into the music written for films released in 2015 (back in late in December) and with the Academy Awards on the horizon, the obsession continued throughout January. Once you fall down that rabbit hole, it’s incredible how much wonderful material there is.

There is just under 11.5 hours of music here, so hopefully there’s a bunch of tracks for everyone. Give it a shot and I hope you enjoy!

Happy February! Happy 2016! Stay Warm!
